11 March 2019
Sipoca 53 project, presented in the Report on the activity carried out by the Public Ministry in 2018
On February 27, 2019, the Report on the activity carried out by the Public Ministry in 2018 was published. In this report, the project is especially mentioned and it is presented in a particular subtitle, called „Strenghtening the capacity of the Public Ministry of enforcing the new hearing provisions of the criminal codes – SIPOCA 53”. The text could be read in the following:
Main purpose is strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry in respect of the hearings conducted in accordance with the provisions of the new criminal codes, by creating a performant IT system wich will be use in this area.
This project will develop the management of the criminal file and the new IT system will be a modern and efficient tool for the management of the audio and video recordings; it means a short time for this prosecution stage (hearing suspects / defendants, injured parties and witnesses).
The completion of specifications and the launch of the procurement procedure for the IT system for the audio and video recording management (sowtware and equipaments with a value of 10 milions euro) will be ready at the finish of April, 2019.
During 2020, the main activities of the project will be: equipping the hearing rooms; implementation of the software application; training for the 600 final users and for the 70 IT specialists, who will be the system’s administrators.
Total amount: 54,785,517.47 lei.
Implementation period: 36 months ( 27 July 2017 – 27 July 2020).