SIPOCA 53 – Activități proiect
- Project management – 36 months
The management of this project includes planning, organizing, monitoring, controlling, reporting and taking the necessary corrective actions, permanently.
After the establishment of the project management team (appointed by Order of the Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice), the implementation of the project was started. During 36 months, the project team will consider the following activities:
- Organizing regular meetings to draw up, in the first phase, the work plan and the way of cooperation within the team
- Establishing the methodologies, means and ways of communication within the team to achieve all the objectives set according to the funding application
- Identifying potential risks and remedies for them
- Establishing the communication rules with all the departments that will support the project activity, but also the way of informing the prosecutor’s office units that will benefit from the system that will be developed within the project.
The project team will provide all technical and/or financial information requested by the Managing Authority or by other institutions from the management and control system of the Structural Funds empowered to verify or perform the control/audit/ monitoring on the implementation of the project.
Project meetings will end with one minute and/or at least one attendance list.
The project team will have constant communication with service providers so that there are no delays in the activities they will undertake. Observations and comments will be sent whenever the situation requires it to prevent any delays in the project.
Throughout the implementation period, financial-accounting management will also take place (primary record of financial documents, financial operations and other financial-accounting activities, tracking of accounts with suppliers, preparation of financial reports and reimbursement documents).
All acquisitions within the project will be made according to the legislation in force, respectively Law no. 98/2016 and GD no. 395/2016 and the internal procedure.
All activities will be closely supervised by a member of the implementation team.
- Information and publicity activities – 36 months
The promotion of the project will be carried out throughout the implementation of the project in compliance with all the provisions of the POCA Guide, the Visual Identity Manual 2014-202 and the financing contract. To achieve the goal, the project will be promoted by:
- a project launch conference after the signing of the financing contract with a participation of at least 40 people (done on September 21, 2017)
- a conference to present the results and objectives achieved within the project with a participation of at least 40 people (planned to take place in the 35th month of project implementation)
On the occasion of the two conferences, two press releases will be prepared. The press releases will mention the title, the name of the beneficiary, the general objective, the specific objective, the expected results.
For the launch conference (September 2017) a spider display system and two roll-ups were made. A press release was also sent to the media.
A website will also be developed. The site will contain a description of the project, the general objective, the specific objective, the activities, the calendar of conferences and training activities, etc. (accomplished – December 2017).
A poster with information about the project will also be made and displayed. The poster will contain the information specified in the Visual Identity Manual and the POCA Guide (accomplished – July 2017).
All documents drafted within the project will also have the obligatory visibility signs mentioned in the Guide and in the Visual Identity Manual (permanently).
Activity 1
Development of an IT system for conducting hearings of persons and identification of persons and objects
Activity 1.1:
Development of the IT system for conducting hearings of persons and identification of persons and objects
The project team started the implementation of the project with the elaboration of the documentation for contracting the consulting services in order to contract the external consultant who will elaborate the specifications. The specifications have as object the realization of the software system for recording and management of audio-video recordings and their transcriptions, the acquisition of the hardware infrastructure necessary for its installation and operation and of the professional training services of the beneficiaries and the development of the public procurement procedure.
The documentation was finalized and sent for ANAP analysis in February 2018.
The steps envisaged for this first consultant are follows:
- Identifying and analyzing the information flows specific to the activities carried out in accordance with the procedural provisions regarding the hearing of persons and defining the user’s requirements.
- Analysis for defining the functional, software and hardware architecture of the IT system, elaboration of technical specifications, test plans, project implementation plan and training plan and programs.
- Organizing and conducting two study visits for 8 representatives of the Public Ministry (prosecutors, clerks, IT specialists, public servants etc.)
- Hiring the consultant (integrator) who will make the computer system for the management of the hearings and will ensure the training and documentation of the system.
Once contracted, the consultant who will implement the IT system will follow the following steps:
- Detailed analysis for development, performed by the integrator, adapted to the solutions to be implemented / developed.
- Development / adaptation of applications and / or software licenses.
- Delivery and installation of hardware infrastructure and related licenses.
- Implementation, testing and optimization of the technical solution.
- Interconnection with the case management system or preparation for interconnection with the new ECRIS which will be developed by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the institutions of the judiciary.
- Entry into current operation of the computer system.
- Elaboration of a complete documentation of the system including all the manuals and guides necessary for the presentation, use / operation and administration of the integrated system and its components.
Activity 1.2
Organizing and conducting training sessions for administrators and end users of the new hearing management information system, as well as organizing 3 training sessions for trainers.
600 prosecutors and clerks and 70 IT specialists will be trained in the professional training sessions organized within the project.
There will be organized training sessions for administrators and end users of the new hearing management information system, as well as the organization of 3 sessions for training of trainers.
- Specialized courses on the 3 technological storage platforms (unified central storage; backup-to-disk system; management of the repository system for long-term storage of records and other documents associated with hearings).
Specialized courses for storing structured data.
- Courses for virtualization platforms: creating virtual machines, allocating computing resources, virtualization system management
- Courses for the technological platform of content management and document flow management.
- Courses for software technologies for managing the users of the integrated system (creating users on all platforms, establishing access rights, auditing access rights, managing solutions, etc.).
- Courses for application protection and traffic optimization platform: installation, administration
- Courses for the hearing recording platform: installation, administration; Acquisition technologies: generation, storage, audio / video data management; Video conferencing software solution for hearing the protected witness: installation, configuration.
- Training for technical staff (IT specialists) for integrated system administration / Central level
- Training for technical staff (IT Specialists) for system administration / Locally
- Training of trainers for permanent training and technical assistance of users
- Training for end users (for the use of the developed system) – 30 course sessions. 2-day course. 20 students per session.