Acasă SIPOCA53 - English Delivery of equipment for HIMIS implementation

Delivery of equipment for HIMIS implementation



 SIPOCA 53: The end of the delivery stage of the equipment necessary for the implementation of the Hearings Integrated Management Information System (HIMIS)

Within the project “ Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of enforcing the new hearing provisions in the criminal codes” – code SIPOCA 53, the delivery to the prosecutor’s offices in the territory (241 locations) of the equipment purchased for HIMIS implementation was completed.

From this moment, a new stage of the project begins, namely the installation / commissioning of the equipment and the qualitative reception.

1. The context which determined the acquisition of HIMIS

The development of the Hearings Integrated Management Information System was the institutional answer to the legislative changes  as well as to the technological progress. This reality allows the understanding between technology and the rules of the penal legislation in order to respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person within the prosecution. At the same time, an important role had the need to create a database, as a support for the prosecutor.

2. HIMIS Advantages

HIMIS will be a modern and efficient tool in the matter of audio-video recordings, which will determine a short time for this stage of the prosecution (the hearing of the suspects/defendants, victims and whitnesses). In this way, the system is an innovation in Romania, because it contains a plenty of software, hardware, communication and security solutions, which are available at all country. At he same time, HIMIS will be linked with other information systems, actual or future.

HIMIS will offer to the litigants the assurance regard a complete, legal and transparent hearing, as a unique procedure for all the prosecutor’s offices.

3. Background information:

  • The SIPOCA 53 project, with a deadline of June 27, 2021, was included in the Action Plan of the Judicial System Development Strategy (2015 – 2020), having as main objective the creation of the hearing management system as a result of the adoption of the new criminal codes.
  • The financing contract for the project was signed with the POCA Management Authority (MA) on July 27, 2017, and the total value is 54,785,517.47 lei.
  • The project is funded by the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 – Efficient public administration and judiciary, Specific Objective 1.3. Development and implementation of standard systems and modern and efficient management tools at the level of institutions in the judiciary.
  • The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Public Ministry regarding the hearings carried out according to the provisions of the new codes by creating a high-performance IT system that will be used in this matter.