Acasă SIPOCA53 - English Completion of training sessions for the final users of the Integrated Hearing...

Completion of training sessions for the final users of the Integrated Hearing Management Information System



Completion of training sessions for the final users of the Integrated Hearing Management Information System

During February – March 2022, in Iași, Brașov and Constanța, were organised the last training sessions for the final users.  610  prosecutors and clercks participated  and the aim of the project was realised.

The implementation of the Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) is an activity organised within the project „Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of enforcing the new hearing provisions in the criminal codes” – Sipoca 53 code / MySmis 11968 code. IMIS will be an modern and eficient tool for the management of the audio and video recordings. The principal result will be a shorter duration of the prosecution (the hearing of suspects/defendants, victims and witnesses). The soft developed within SIPOCA 53 project will support the cases management activity for all prosecutions offices.

 Background information:

The SIPOCA 53 project was included in the Action Plan of the Judicial System Development Strategy (2015 – 2020), having as main objective the creation of the hearing management system as a result of the adoption of the new criminal codes.

The financing contract for the project was signed with the POCA Management Authority (MA) on July 27, 2017, and the total value is 54,785,517.47 lei.

The project is funded by the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 – Efficient public administration and judiciary, Specific Objective 1.3. Development and implementation of standard systems and modern and efficient management tools at the level of institutions in the judiciary.

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Public Ministry regarding the hearings carried out according to the provisions of the new codes by creating a high-performance IT system that will be used in this matter.