Program 2 result – Strengthened institutional capacity at the level of the judiciary to increase performance and quality at the institutional level, including for further implementation of the new codes

Project 1 result – an IT system developed for conducting hearings of persons and identification of persons and objects

The management integrated system  of the hearings (created within this project) needs to be in accordance with the procedural requirements mentioned above as well as the need to simplify the work of the prosecutor (reducing the time of some procedures). The system is a tool with many functionalities, simple to use, which the prosecutor can manage after a minimal training, and the IT staff can manage it efficiently.

The files resulting from the recording of the hearings will contain in the image timestamp marking and will have associated metadata for their unique identification and for authenticity verification (example: file number, parquet unit, user who created it, part, start time, stop time , duration, hash value, etc.). All information resulting from the use of the system will be associated with a uniquely identified criminal case and the records management system will be interconnected with the case management system (ECRIS).

The project will also achieve the objective A.3.16. – The Development and implementation of the integrated management system of audio-video recordings in prosecutor’s offices in the matter of hearing persons and interconnection with ECRIS V of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Judicial System Development Strategy 2015-2020 approved by GD 1155/2014. This hearing management system will meet with criticisms related to the transparency of justice and will be a prompt response from prosecutors adapted to current technologies.

Regarding the POCA indicators, this project will create an effective tool that will increase the performance of the criminal investigation activity within the Public Ministry (result indicator S11 – Institutions in the judiciary that have applied standard quality and performance tools and systems developed within the program). Therefore, prosecutors, clerks and specialists (target group -5S52) will benefit from the IT system (5S51) developed within the Public Ministry (5S50) which will lead to the improvement of the activity and image of the judicial system.